259 COVID-19 Data Collection Report Guide

The 259 COVID-19 Data Collection report provides summary and detail information on clients' COVID-19 exposure, symptoms, and status with respect to quarantine and isolation. Data in the report is recorded in the COVID-19 Survey sub-assessment and COVID-19 Alert incidents. This report can help agencies and planning entities understand and make decisions based on a group of clients' reported COVID-19 status.

Please Note: The COVID-19 sub-assessment (survey) was removed from all HMIS assessments on 10/01/2023. Agencies can request to have the sub-assessment made available to them by contacting the helpdesk (mnhmis@icalliances.org)

How does this report work?

The report can be run by CoC Code (with the option to include only certain project types), or for a single or multiple provider(s) or reporting group(s). There are also prompts to indicate the time period for which the report should run.

Clients that appear must have either:

  • a COVID-19 sub-assessment survey with a Date of Survey during the time period, or
  • a COVID-19 alert/incident with a Incident Start Date during the time period.

Clients without a survey or alert/incident during the time period will not appear. Surveys and alerts not recorded during the time period also will not appear. Both features went live on April 6, 2020, so a report period before that date will return no data.

The report shows summary counts and detailed client/survey/alert information. The detail tables show all responses completed between the beginning of the report period and the present - this is meant to provide the most current information as well as historical information where there may have been updates to a client's progression.

Summary Tabs


The first table on the Summary tab displays counts of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 cases reported for clients appearing in the report, separated by the provider reporting the information (the data entry provider entering the survey, or the Provider selected in the alert/incident), and the data source (survey or alert/incident). Since a client can have a survey or alert/incident completed by more than one provider, counts by provider will not add up to the unduplicated total counts.

A client is considered to have a 'suspected case' if they have an alert/incident with a type of "COVID-19 suspected" or they reported in a survey experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19.

A client is considered to have a 'confirmed case' if they have an alert/incident with an incident type of "COVID-19 confirmed" or they reported in a survey receiving COVID-19 test results confirming their case.

A client cannot be counted as both Suspected and Confirmed - they will appear in the category matching the most recently reported data. 

The second table on the Summary tab displays counts of surveys and screenings completed, and counts of clients based on their level of exposure, symptoms, isolation, and quarantine as reported in the survey. These are separated by the data entry provider entering the survey. Since a client can have a survey completed by more than one provider, counts by provider will not add up to the unduplicated total counts.


The Demographics tab shows counts of clients with suspected or confirmed cases (calculated as described above), separated by demographic characteristics.

Detail Tabs

Survey Detail

The Survey Detail tab displays clients' answers to the COVID-19 survey sub-assessment. Only clients with a completed survey appear here.  If the survey was completed more than once for a client, each set of responses will appear. The latest response will appear in bold, earlier responses will appear with a gray background. 

Some questions are conditional based on other responses; if a question is not required and was not answered, a dash (-) is displayed.

If a client reported they have a confirmed COVID-19 case, then an Alert is required. The Alert Created column displays whether  an alert was created for the client, and if so, when it was recorded.

If a client reported a confirmed case, or that they were experiencing symptoms, their information will display highlighted.

The provider who entered the survey is also displayed - this is the provider under which the client will count on the Summary tab.

This tab also includes other information about the client, including some of their demographic characteristics. This information can be used to understand how screening and exposure differs for different groups.

Alert Detail

The Alert Detail tab displays information on COVID-19 related alerts recorded via the Incidents feature. The most recently recorded information is displayed, including the provider selected at the time the alert was recorded.  If an alert was completed more than once for a client, each set of responses will appear. The latest response will appear in bold, earlier responses will appear with a gray background. 

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