267 Housing Provider CE Audit Report

March 23rd 2020 was the Coordinated Entry data standards change. The 241 CES Housing Provider Audit report can be used for Coordinated Entry data through March 22, 2020.  The 267 CE Housing Provider Audit report can be used for Coordinated Entry data for all times starting and after March 23, 2020. 

The 267 Housing Provider Audit Is designed to track the outcome of referrals from a community’s Priority List to housing providers, at the agency or provider level. It can be used to calculate the percentage of successful or unsuccessful referrals processed by a housing provider, and can be used at the CoC level to look at referral outcomes

Who should be scheduling the report? 

  • HMIS users at the CoC level for CoCs monitoring referral outcomes
  • HMIS users at a housing provider that receives Coordinated Entry referrals  

Why? What questions can this report answer

This report can be used to calculate the percentage of successful or unsuccessful, unresolved and missing information (unsuccessful but no cancel decline)  referrals processed by a housing provider

Contains information on all referrals made to housing providers, and includes counts of unresolved/pending referrals. This can help to track where referrals are falling through the cracks. 

When? What time period? 

The 267 CE Housing Provider Audit report can be used for Coordinated Entry data for all times starting and after March 23, 2020. It can show clients that were on the priority list on 3/23/20 and transitioned to new workflow.  

What is unique to this report? 

  • Very clearly breaks down referral status! 
  • Can be run for a period of time, not just as of current 
  • 267 hinges on the Coordinated Entry Event sub-assessment

Why might my data be excluded from the report? 

  • If the client's coordinated entry entry/exit  is not recorded properly
  • Report will exclude transactions with an end date- both the CE event sub-assessment and CE Entry with an Exit. 
  • If the housing provider you select has not received any referrals 
  • CE Event sub-assessment needs to be dated on or after CE entry date 

Where is the report located?

Folder path: SSA >> 6. Coordinated Entry >> Monitoring and Evaluation

Click here for REPORTcollection link

Prompt information

  • Wide nets: CoC Code+ Reporting Group + Provider these 3 prompts are adding to the data set 
  • Run either at the CoC level to see CoC wide stats (by a higher level CoC user) or on the housing provider level. Housing providers should NOT add CoC Code when running this report
  • NO Reporting Group prompt! We cannot  add this prompt due to system limitations 

Want more information? 

Link to full 267 CE Housing Provider Audit Report manual: click here

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