Completing HUD Verification on Sub-Assessments

In most entry assessments there are four HUD-required sub-assessments - for (1) Health Insurance, (2) Disabilities, (3) Monthly Income, and (4) Non-Cash Benefits.

  1. For each HUD sub-assessment, there is a companion Yes/No data element. The answer to the “Yes/No” drop-down field must always agree with whatever you enter in the sub-assessment below. If not, you will likely find errors on your funder reports in the future.50ad17931ac7f4cdf84ddc2b74fbb123.png
  2. Each HUD sub-assessment has a blue “HUD Verification” button with a red triangle, that you will always click on first to complete the sub-assessment.
  3. Once you click on the words “HUD Verification,” a pop-up will appear where you will then give specifics about the client’s situation at Entry into your program.
  4. For each row in the pop-up, you must tell the system whether or not the client is receiving each benefit type or has that disability.
    1. Note that choosing "Data Not Collected" anywhere on an assessment is strongly discouraged, as that answer may result in error flags on your reports in the future.
  5. The easiest way to move all radio buttons is to click the options at the top of the pop-up.
  6. Then change whichever row that does apply to your client at Entry to "Yes" before you click Save & Exit.
  7. Back on the assessment, you should now see that the “HUD Verification” has a green check-mark next to it, which is exactly what you want to see for all 4 sub-assessments when completing a client’s Entry assessment. The green check-mark means that you have correctly responded to each row within a sub-assessment.
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