Correct a Housing Referral Data Quality Issue


Without accurate referral and enrollment data, Priority List Managers cannot make informed decisions about future referrals. Housing providers should run the 294 Housing Provider CE Data Quality Check report to identify data entry issues, then follow the instructions in this article to fix those issues.

In This Article

Correct Coordinated Entry Event (CE Event) Warnings and Errors

Correct Housing Program Entry/Exit Warnings and Errors

Correct Coordinated Entry Assessment Entry/Exit (CE Entry/Exit) Warnings

 CE Event: Event

Error: Invalid Event

The Problem
The referral event was not created by Coordinated Entry system staff. Housing providers should not create their own referral events.

The Solution

  1. Navigate to the client's Coordinated Entry assessment and open your housing program's referral event from the Coordinated Entry Event section. 
  2. Determine which provider created the referral event by clicking on the history bar next to the Event field. The provider will be named in the Provider Adding field.
    1. If you do not have EDA access to the provider was used to create the event, contact the Helpdesk for assistance deleting it.
    2. If you do have EDA access to that provider, continue on to the next step.
  3. Select the provider that was used to create the referral event from your EDA list, then navigate to the client's Coordinated Entry assessment.
  4. Delete the event from the Coordinated Entry Event section by clicking on its trash can.
  5. Request a housing referral from your region's Priority List Manager, if one is needed.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Request a Housing Referral explains how a Coordinated Entry Event gets created.

 CE Event: Date Referral Acknowledged

Warning: Missing Date?

The Problem
The referral event has no Date Referral Acknowledged or Referral Result, and its Start Date/Date of Event is at least 7 days before the report's end date. Referral events should be acknowledged within the time frame established by your region's Coordinated Entry system.

The Solution
Add a  Date Referral Acknowledged to the referral event to confirm you have seen it. That new date must be no earlier than the Start Date/Date of Event.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Acknowledge a Housing Referral explains when a Date Referral Acknowledged should be recorded.

Error: Missing Date

The Problem
The referral event does not have a Date Referral Acknowledged, but it does have a Referral Result. Referral events should be acknowledged according to the timeline established by your region's Coordinated Entry system.

The Solution
Add a  Date Referral Acknowledged to the referral event. That date must be no earlier than the Start Date/Date of Event and no later than the Date of Result

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Acknowledge a Housing Referral explains when a Date Referral Acknowledged should be recorded.

Error: Invalid Date

The Problem
The referral event has a Date Referral Acknowledged, but it is earlier than the Start Date/Date of Event or later than the Date of Result. A referral can be acknowledged on the date it is created, on the date it is resolved, or any time between those two dates.

The Solution
Update the referral event's  Date Referral Acknowledged to reflect when you received the referral. In many cases, the acknowledgement date is the same as the Start Date/Date of Event.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Acknowledge a Housing Referral explains when a Date Referral Acknowledged should be recorded.

 CE Event: Referral Result

Warning: Missing Referral Result?

The Problem
The referral event does not have a Referral Result and the Start Date/Date of Event is at least 14 days before the report end date. Referral events should be resolved within the time frame established by your region's Coordinated Entry system.

The Solution
Determine whether the referral has been resolved, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the referral's result is still uncertain, no updates are required. However, you may want to add notes to the Referral Notes field.
  • If the referral's result is known, record a Referral Result, a Date of Result, and make any other required updates.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral explains when a Referral Result should be recorded.

Error: Missing Referral Result

The Problem
The referral event does not have a Referral Result, but a Date of Result and/or an End Date has been recorded. A Referral Result and Date of Result should be recorded at the same time, and an End Date should only be entered when a successful result does not result in a client being housed.

The Solution
Add a Referral Result to the referral event, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the referral result was "unsuccessful", make the most accurate selection from the If Unsuccessful, Reason drop-down menu.
  • If the client did not exit your program without moving into housing, delete the End Date and If Not Housed, Reason values.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral explains when a Referral Result should be recorded, while Record a Housing Outcome covers proper use of the End Date field.

 CE Event: If Unsuccessful, Reason

Error: Missing Reason

The Problem
The referral event has an "unsuccessful" Referral Result, but no value has been selected from the If Unsuccessful, Reason drop-down menu. Priority List Managers and other Coordinated Entry system planners want to know why referrals are unsuccessful, as that information can help them make system improvements.

The Solution
Update the referral event, making the most accurate selection from the If Unsuccessful, Reason drop-down menu.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral explains when the If Unsuccessful, Reason field should be filled out.

Error: Invalid Reason

The Problem
The referral event has a "successful" Referral Result, but a value has been selected from the If Unsuccessful, Reason drop-down menu. Only unsuccessful referrals should have a reason recorded to help explain their result.

The Solution
Confirm the referral event's result, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the referral was truly unsuccessful, update the Referral Result field with the correct result.
  • If the referral was successful, delete the value saved in the If Unsuccessful, Reason field.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral explains when the If Unsuccessful, Reason field should be filled out.

 CE Event: Date of Result

Warning: Accurate Date of Result?

The Problem
The referral event has a Date of Result that matches the Start Date/Date of Event. Because many Coordinated Entry systems require housing providers to make multiple attempts to contact clients and it can take time to determine client eligibility, it is unlikely that a referral will be resolved on the same day it is created.

The Solution
Confirm the referral event's true Date of Result, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the referral was resolved on a different date, update the Date of Result field with the correct date.
  • If the referral was resolved on the date recorded in HMIS, no updates are necessary.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral explains when a Date of Result should be recorded.

Error: Missing Date of Result

The Problem
The referral event has a Referral Result, but no Date of Result has been recorded. Priority List Managers and other Coordinated Entry system planners want to know how long it takes to resolve a referral, as that information can help them make system improvements.

The Solution
Confirm that the referral was resolved and on what date, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the referral was truly resolved, record its resolution date in the Date of Result field.
  • If the referral has not been resolved yet and a result was entered in error, delete the value saved in the Referral Result field.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral explains when a Date of Result should be recorded.

Error: Invalid Date of Result

The Problem
The referral event has a Date of Result, but it is earlier than the Start Date/Date of Event. Because the Start Date/Date of Event represents the date a referral was made, it is not possible for the Date of Result to be earlier than that date.

The Solution
Confirm the referral event's true  Date of Result, then update that field with the correct date.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral explains when a Date of Result should be recorded.

 CE Event: If Not Housed, Reason

Warning: Missing Reason?

The Problem
The referral event has a "successful" Referral Result and an End Date, but no value has been selected from the If Not Housed, Reason drop-down menu. Priority List Managers and other Coordinated Entry system planners want to know why a client could not be housed, as that information can help them make system improvements.

The Solution
Confirm whether the client exited your program without moving into housing, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the client did exit your program without moving into housing, make the most accurate selection from the If Not Housed, Reason drop-down menu.
  • If the client has not yet exited your program or did so after moving into housing, delete the value saved in the End Date field.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Record a Housing Outcome explains when the If Not Housed, Reason field should be filled out.

 CE Event: End Date

Warning: Missing End Date?

The Problem
The referral event has a "successful"  Referral Result and an If Not Housed, Reason value, but no End Date has been recorded. Recording an End Date signals to your Priority List Manager that a client could not be housed and should be considered for future housing opportunities.

The Solution
Confirm whether the client exited your program without moving into housing, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the client did exit your program without moving into housing, enter an End Date. That date should match the Exit Date from the client's Entry/Exit.
  • If the client has not yet exited your program or did so after moving into housing, delete the value saved in the If Not Housed, Reason field.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Record a Housing Outcome explains when an End Date should be added to a referral

Error: Invalid End Date #1

The Problem
An Entry/Exit has been created for your permanent housing program and a Housing Move-In Date has been recorded, but the referral event has an End Date. An End Date should only be added to a referral when a client exits a program without moving into housing.

The Solution
Confirm whether the client has moved into housing, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Record a Housing Outcome explains when an End Date should be added to a referral.

Error: Invalid End Date #2

The Problem
The referral event has an "unsuccessful" Referral Result, but an End Date has been recorded. An End Date should only be added to a successful referral that does not lead to a client being housed.

The Solution
Confirm the referral event's result, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the referral was truly unsuccessful, delete its End Date and If Not Housed, Reason values.
  • If the referral was successful and the End Date was properly recorded, update the Referral Result to reflect that fact and delete the If Unsuccessful, Reason value.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Record a Housing Outcome explains when an End Date should be added to a referral.

 Housing Program Entry/Exit: Project Start Date

Error: Missing Entry/Exit

The Problem
The referral event has a "successful" Referral Result, but no Entry/Exit has been created for your transitional housing or permanent housing program. A referral is successful when a client and housing provider agree to work together to move the client into housing; creating an accompanying Entry/Exit documents the relationship between client and housing provider.

The Solution
Confirm the referral event's result, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the referral was truly successful, create an Entry/Exit for the housing provider the client was referred to. The Entry/Exit's Project Start Date and the referral' Date of Result should be identical.
  • If the referral was actually unsuccessful, update the Referral Result to reflect that fact and make the most accurate selection from the If Unsuccessful, Reason drop-down menu.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral covers the creation of Entry/Exits for successful referrals.

Error: Date Mismatch

The Problem
The referral event has a "successful" Referral Result and an Entry/Exit has been created for your transitional housing or permanent housing program, but the referral's Date of Result does not match the Entry/Exit's Project Start Date. Because the Entry/Exit represents a program enrollment tied to the successful referral, the Date of Result and Project Start Date must be identical.

The Solution
Confirm whether the Date of Result or Project Start Date accurately reflects when the referral was successful, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the Date of Result is accurate, update the Entry/Exit's Project Start Date to match that date. You may have to re-enter information into the client's entry assessment.
  • If the Project Start Date is accurate, update the referral's Date of Result to match that date.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral covers the creation of Entry/Exits for successful referrals.

 Housing Program Entry/Exit: Provider

Warning: Provider Mismatch

The Problem
The referral event has a "successful" Referral Result and an Entry/Exit has been created with the correct Project Start Date, but the referral's Location of Housing Referral provider does not match the Entry/Exit's Program provider. Because the Entry/Exit represents a program enrollment tied to the successful referral, the Location of Housing Referral and Program provider must be identical.

The Solution
The steps necessary to correct this error will vary depending on your housing program's data entry requirements:

  • OVERLAPPING ENROLLMENTS: If you must create multiple Entry/Exits because multiple funding sources are being used to assist the client, check whether an Entry/Exit with the correct Program provider and Project Start Date values has been created. If you discover that an Entry/Exit is missing, one should be created in line with the guidance found in the article Resolve a Housing Referral.
    Screenshot: When there are overlapping entries, the 294 Housing Provider CE Data Check report can have trouble determining if an Entry/Exit with the correct provider and start date has been created.
  • SINGLE ENROLLMENTS: If only one Entry/Exit needs to be created for the client, update the Entry/Exit's Program provider value to match the referral's Location of Housing Referral value. Refer to the article Changing a Provider Entry Type for detailed instructions.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral covers the creation of Entry/Exits for successful referrals.

 Housing Program Entry/Exit: Housing Move-In Date

Warning: Missing HMID?

The Problem
No Housing Move-In Date has been recorded, despite the client having been enrolled in your housing program for at least 30 days. This may not be a data entry error, as it can take more than 30 days for a client to be connected with housing.

The Solution
Confirm whether the client has moved into housing, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Record a Housing Outcome explains when a Housing Move-In Date should be recorded.

Warning: Accurate HMID?

The Problem
The client's Housing Move-In Date is the same as their housing program Entry/Exit's Project Start Date. Because a Project Start Date represents the first date that a client and housing provider began working together and it often takes time to confirm eligibility and secure a unit, it is unlikely that a client will move into housing on the same day they first engage with a program.

The Solution
Confirm the client's correct  Project Start Date and Housing Move-In Date values, then take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If the Housing Move-In Date is incorrect, delete it and record an accurate date. Because the client has moved into housing, you should remove them from the Priority List.
  • If the Project Start Date is incorrect, replace the Entry/Exit's start date and the referral's Date of Result with the correct date. You may have to re-enter information into the client's entry assessment.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Resolve a Housing Referral explains when an Entry/Exit should be created, while the article Record a Housing Outcome covers the process for recording a Housing Move-In Date.

 CE Entry/Exit: Exit Date

Warning: Remove Client from PL?

The Problem
The client has a fully resolved referral event, a transitional or permanent housing Entry/Exit, and a Housing Move-In Date (permanent housing only), but they are still on the Priority List. A client in this situation should be removed from the Priority List so that they are not considered for future housing opportunities.

The Solution
Confirm that the client is being served by your program and, for permanent projects, that they have moved into housing. Based on what you discover, take the appropriate follow-up action:

  • If you confirm that the client should no longer be on the Priority List, remove them from that list.
  • If you learn that the client should continue to be on the Priority List, either because they have lost their housing or because they were never housed, contact the Helpdesk at for assistance.

Where Can I Learn More?
The article Record a Housing Outcome explains when a permanent housing project should remove a client from the Priority List. Because they do not record Housing Move-In Dates, transitional housing projects may take that step at the end of the Resolve a Housing Referral process.

Coordinated Entry: Housing Provider Data Entry Instructions

Request a Housing Referral
Acknowledge a Housing Referral
Resolve a Housing Referral
Record a Housing Outcome
Correct a Housing Referral Data Quality Issue

Coordinated Entry: Housing Provider Reports

258 CE Housing Referrals
267 CE Housing Provider Audit
294 CE Housing Provider Data Check

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