302 Hennepin Families By-Name List Report

Date Created: 01/05/2023 | 03/22/2024.

In This Article

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The  HCC-00-CMM-302 - Hennepin Families By Name List report provides a current list of families enrolled in an emergency shelter, street outreach, or staying at any of the three Hennepin Funded family shelters. Families are defined as a household enrolled with at least 2 people, at least one of whom is 18+ and at least one of whom is under 18. 

Audience: Who should run this report?

Hennepin County case managers and planners, as well as community shelter and outreach staff, are the intended audience for this report.

Note: A user's account settings and other visibility settings can affect what data the user will see when running a BusinessObjects report. For more information, please refer to the article Visibility Settings and Their Impact on BusinessObjects Reports.

Location: Where can I find this report?

In the BusinessObjects (BO) reporting tool, open these folders in order:

Public Folders => minnesota_live_folder => SSA Report Gallery => 5. Agency - Level => Hennepin County

Prompts: How do I run this report?

For each individual report run, it is recommended that either the Provider or Program Type prompt is used. Completing multiple of those prompts may produce a report with unexpected results.

It is possible to skip the Provider or Project Type prompts and simply complete the  Enter Effective Date prompt. Doing so will cause the report to pull in the greatest available amount of information.

  •          Select Provider(s): Choose one or more emergency shelter, or street outreach providers.
  •          Select Project Type(s): Choose emergency shelter, street outreach, or both of those project types. It is not recommended to run the report by other project types because unwanted projects may then be included.
  •          EDA Provider: Do not change the default value -Default Provider-
  •          Enter Effective Date: The date the report is being run. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.

In-Depth: What questions can this report answer?

The focus of this report is identifying all families who have recently stayed in an emergency shelter, are engaged with street outreach, or any person staying at any of the three Hennepin Funded family shelters. The report includes both client-level details and summary counts.

  •          Summary Tab: On this tab, it is possible to quickly ascertain how many clients are engaged with the target project types, how many fall into select categories, and whether clients are in sheltered or unsheltered living situations.
  •          All Families Tab: Information about families enrolled in an emergency shelter, street outreach, or staying at any of the three Hennepin Funded family shelters can be found on this tab.  The head of household (HoH) is reported in the detail lines.   Each individual family member is not shown.  If more than one person is indicated as the HoH by selecting “Self” for Relationship to HoH, then more than one person per family may be counted.  Information found on this tab included the most recent providers for which they have Entry/Exits, their veteran status, and whether they are on the Hennepin County Priority List. See the section In-Depth: Families By Name List Columns and Calculations for a full list of available data points.
  •           Shelter Team Tab: Information about families enrolled in one of the three Hennepin-funded Family Shelters (PSP, St. Anne’s, Hotel Overflow) can be found on this tab.  The head of household (HoH) is reported in the detail lines.   Each individual family member is not shown.  If more than one person is indicated as the HoH by selecting “Self” for Relationship to HoH, then more than one person per family may be counted.  Information found on this  tab included the most recent providers for which they have Entry/Exits, their veteran status, and whether they are on the Hennepin County Priority List. See the section In-Depth: Families By Name List Columns and Calculations for a full list of available data points.

In-Depth: By Name List Columns and Calculations

The table below lists every column in the report together with details about how it is pulled from BusinessObjects. Certain column values, such as a client's most recent Entry/Exit provider, are pulled "live" and will always reflect the most recently recorded information.  Users are directed to set the Effective Date prompt to match the report's run date to ensure that the most recent assessment values are also pulled into the report.

Important: Connections between data sources used in this report are made via the Client ID field. This means that if a client has duplicate client IDs pulling into the report, and both records are visible to the person running the report, their information can inflate summary counts. For example: if a client has two Client ID records, and on both records the client is indicated as a veteran, they will count twice on the Summary tab. Identifying and merging duplicate records will reduce inflation of summary counts. 

Column Name Calculation Details Notes
Client Unique ID =[Merge Unique Id] -
Client Name =[Client First Name]+" "+[Client Last Name] -
Client ID =[Merge Client Id] -
HH ID =[Entry Exit Household Id] ID associated with the Household used in the provider enrollment.
Relationship to HoH =[Relationship to Head of Household(2988)] -
HH Size =[HH Size] This variable counts the number of clients in the Entry Exit Group.
Shared? =If(Match(Upper([Client Alias]); "SHARED*") = 1; "Yes"; "No") If the client alias field contains “Shared”, this column displays "Yes".
Most Recent Shelter Team Entry Date =[Max ST Entry Date] The Entry Date of the most recent entry/exit appears here. Most recent is defined as the latest Entry Date.
Most Recent Shelter Team Exit Date =[Max ST Exit Date] The Exit Date of the most recent entry/exit appears here. Most recent is defined as the latest Entry Date.
Current LoT in this episode =[Current ST LoT] The number of days between entry date and prompt date.
Most Recent ES Entry Date =[Max ES Entry Date] The Entry Date of the most recent entry/exit appears here. Most recent is defined as the latest Entry Date.
Most Recent ES Exit Date =[Max ES Exit Date] The Exit Date of the most recent entry/exit appears here. Most recent is defined as the latest Entry Date.
Most Recent ES Provider =[Max ES Provider] The Provider name of the most recent entry/exit appears here. Most recent is defined as the latest Entry Date.
Total Nights in Hennepin Shelter =[ES Total Nights Sum Services]+[ES Total Nights Sum EE] The sum of total nights in Night By Night and total nights in the Entry and Exit.  The sum of total nights in Night by Night is the number of nights between Provider Start Date and Provider End Date since January 1, 2019.  The sum of the total nights in the Entry and Exit is the numbers of nights between Start Date and End Date for Entry and Exits since January 1, 2019.
Most Recent SO Provider =[Max SO Provider] The Provider name of the most recent entry/exit appears here. Most recent is defined as the latest Entry Date.
Most Recent S2H Entry Date =[Max S2H Entry Date] The Entry Date of the most recent entry/exit appears here. Most recent is defined as the latest Entry Date.
Most Recent Current Living Situation Date =[CLS Date Most Current] The Start Date of the most recent Current Living Situation record.
Most Recent Current Living Situation Location =[CLS Location Most Current] If the client has any contacts recorded in the Current Living Situation sub-assessment, the Current Living Situation from the most recent (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most Recent Current Living Situation Location Details =[CLS Location Details Most Current] If the client has any contacts recorded in the Current Living Situation sub-assessment, Location Details from the most recent CLS value (the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most Recent Current Living Situation Provider =[CLS Provider Most Current] If the client has any contacts recorded in the Current Living Situation sub-assessment, the Provider recording the most recent CLS value (the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most Recent Drop-In Service Date =[Drop In Date Most Current] If the client had at least one service transaction recorded in the last seven days, the Start Date of the most recent will display.
Most Recent Drop-In Service Provider =[Drop In Provider Most Current] If the client had at least one service transaction recorded in the last seven days, the Provider recording the most recent will display.
Interested in receiving housing case management? =[Interested in receiving housing case management?(6388)] This column displays the result of the question "Interested in receiving housing case management?" on the Care Coordination assessment.
Most Recent Case Management Provider =[Max CM Provider] The Case Management provider where the client is currently enrolled.
All Open Case Managers =[Open CM FINAL] This column displays all open case managers and providers recorded on the Case Manager tab.  The results display a concatenated list of "Case Manager/Provider Name".  
DOB =[Date of Birth(893)] -
Age =[Current Age] The clients age as of the prompt date.
Gender =[Gender(894)] -
Sexual Orientation =[Sexual Orientation(1896)] -
Race and Ethnicity =[RaceEth2024 Detail] This column displays the race(s) and ethnicity selected by the client.
Pregnant =[Pregnant] This column displays the result of two fields: "Are you pregnant; If yes, what is the projected due date".
Primary Language =[Primary Language(1819)] This column displays the result of the question "Primary Language".
Language for interpretation =[If yes, language(5301)] This column displays the result of the question "If yes, language".
Veteran =[Client Veteran Status] -
Phone =[Phone number where you can be reached or where a message can be left:(4102)] -
Email =[Email where you can be reached or where a message can be sent:(4100)] -
Do you have an ID? =[Do you have a photo ID?(6000)] This column indicates if a client has an ID.
Do you have a SS Card? =[Do you have your Social Security card?(6001)] This column indicates if a client has a Social Security card.
Do you have a Birth Certificate? =[Do you have your birth certificate?(6002)] This column indicates if a client has a birth certificate.
Probation =[Is the client currently on parole or probation?(3224)] -
Disability =[Hennepin Case Management Assessment \[Update Draft\](536)].[Does client have a disability of long duration?(1067)] -
Section 8 =[Section 8] This field displays the result of the questions "Do you currently have Section 8 Voucher; If yes, Section 8 Voucher expiration date.".
Total Household Monthly Income =[Total Household Monthly Income:(3247)] This column displays the result of the question "Total monthly Household Income".
CES Eligibility =[CES.Eligible] This column displays the answer to “Is client eligible for coordinated entry?”
CES Assessment Appointment Date =[Max CES Appt Date Time] -
Currently Active in Coordinated Entry =If([dtl_Declined CE] = "Yes"; "Declined CE"; 
If(Not(IsNull([CE Sub Assess End Date]));"No";
If(Not(IsNull([CE EE Date Most Current]));"Yes"
  • "Declined CE" is displayed if the client's most recently recorded value for Person Refused or Declined a Coordinated Entry Assessment at This Time = Yes.
  • "Yes" is displayed if the client has an open entry/exit to a Hennepin County Coordinated Entry Assessment provider and has a value of "Placed on Prioritization List" recorded (where applicable).
CES HH Size =[Household Size: Total # of Persons(4118)] -
How many CES referrals? =[Valid Housing Referrals] This lists the number of referrals to housing after the most recent entry to Coordinated Entry.
CE Referral Date =[Max CE Referral Date] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the Date of Event from the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most recent Referral Result =[Max CE Referral Result] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the Referral Result from the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most recent CE result date =[Max CE Result Date] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the Date of Result from the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most Recent CE Referral result reason =[Max CE Referral Result Reason] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the "If Unsuccessful Reason" from the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
If not housed, Date referral ended =[Max CE Date Referral Ended] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the End Date from the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most Recent CE Referral Provider =[Max CE Referral Provider] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the Provider referred to in the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most Recent CE Referral Provider Contact Name =[Max CE Provider Contact Name] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the Housing Provider Contact Name referred to in the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most Recent CE Referral Provider Contact Email =[Max CE Provider Contact Email] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the Housing Provider Contact Email referred to in the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
Most Recent CE Referral Provider Contact Phone =[Max CE Provider Contact Phone] If the client has a referral to a housing provider, the Housing Provider Contact Phone referred to in the most recent referral (meaning the one with the latest Start Date) will display.
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