Hennepin: Family Case Management Assessment Workflow

This workflow guide is for Hennepin County Family Case Managers to get a snapshot of the Case Management workflow, required data elements, and collection points.

Family Case Management Workflow

Project Start

This will be the date the client first began working with the case management program and generally received the first provision of service. Also referred to as an Entry in HMIS.

1. Once you login to HMIS, click to Enter Data As (EDA) to your Case Management project provider (may be a combined Federal- or State-funded/CM provider).

2. Search for your client's existing record in the system, or create new shared client record.

3. In the client record, update missing or incorrect information on the Client Profile tab (see table below at end of article).

4. Navigate to the  Entry/Exit tab and click the button to Add a new Entry/Exit.

a. Select Basic for the Entry Type.

b. Review and update the MN Core and/or any assigned funder-specific assessments. Some of these fields may already have data from previous assessments. Make sure all data is current as of Case Management program enrollment

c. Complete the Hennepin Case Management assessment, updating previous responses as necessary.

5. Add the case manager’s name to the Case Managers tab.


A contact is defined as an interaction between a case manager and a client designed to engage the client. Contacts in HMIS include activities such as a conversation between the case manager and the client about the client's goals, a visit to discuss their housing plan, or a referral to another community service. 

The Hennepin Case Management assessment should be updated anytime a client’s housing preferences or situation changes.

1. EDA to your Case Management project provider (may be a combined Federal- or State-funded/CM provider).

2. Navigate to the Entry/Exit tab and find the previous enrollment into your Case Management provider:

a. Click on the notebook icon on the row of the previous enrollment to add an Interim as an Update.

b. Update any information on the Interim assessment that has changed since project start, such as:

- Current Living Situation, record at each contact.

- Housing Documentation Status, if the client started working on or secured any documents.

- Monthly Household Income, if the client’s income changed.

- Legal Involvement, if you got more information about the client’s background.

- Client Choice, if the client’s housing preferences changed.

3. If you find that any assessment information was not collected at project start, add any missing details you’ve since collected to the Entry assessment. (Please Note: This step should take place on the Entry assessment, not the Interim Update assessment.)

4. Don't forget to click Save before leaving the page.

5. Any missing or incorrect information you get from your client can also be added to the Client Profile tab if possible.

Project Exit

An Exit in HMIS represents the end of a client's participation with your Case Management program.

1. Confirm that the client should have their Entry/Exit enrollment closed in HMIS. Reasons to Exit a client might include: 

a. The client has been housed.

b. The client is engaged with another case manager outside of your program.

c. The client is no longer receiving Case Management or cannot be located.

d. The client is in treatment or jail.

e. The client is deceased.

2. Login to HMIS and EDA to your Case Management project provider (may be a combined Federal- or State-funded/CM provider).

3. Navigate to the  Entry/Exit tab and find the previous enrollment into your Case Management provider:

a. Click on the edit pencil next to blank Exit Date field.

b. In the pop-up, enter a Destination to document your client’s housing outcome. Then click Save & Continue.

c. On the Exit assessment, update any information that has changed since the last interim update, such as:

- Current Living Situation with the client’s new location (e.g. PSH, market-rate housing).

- Current Living Situation should match Destination.

- Housing Documentation Status, if the client secured any documents.

- Contact Information, if the client has a new address, phone, or email.

- Monthly Household Income if the client’s income changed.

d.  Optional Updates: Income, Non-Cash Benefits, and Health Insurance information on the MN CORE.

4. Don't forget to click  Save before leaving the page.

Note: If client is enrolled in or becomes enrolled in another Federal- or State-funded project such as ESG, PATH, YHDP, or CES alongside Case Management refer to the “Tips for CM Clients Enrolled in Multiple Projects” document for advice on how to streamline Entries, Interims, and Exits.

Case Managers tab

If client is no longer receiving case management services or changes case managers, add an End Date to the Case Manager tab that matches the date the case manager ceased working with the client. Add a new case manager if appropriate.

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