06. Enrollment: Income & Non-Cash Assessment


This article will provide instructions for recording the Income and Non-Cash Benefits your client is receiving during a program enrollment workflow.  

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
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More About This

Income is separated into two parts: Income from any Source, and Non-Cash Benefits from Any Source. If you select Yes to either question, a dropdown sub-assessment will appear that must be filled out.

On the Income assessment, you are not required to record an answer for each and every row, only the rows that are applicable to your client. If your client does receive an income source, you will only need to select Yes on the row for that income source.

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  1. For Income from Any Source, select the response that matches your client’s situation from the drop-down menu: 

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  1. For Non-Cash Benefits from Any Source, select the response that matches your client’s situation from the drop-down menu: 

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  1. The Expenses question is not a requirement, and can be skipped at this time. 
  2. If you selected Yes for Income from Any Source, scroll down and you will see that a sub-assessment has appeared to record Income specifics.
  3. In the Income Type column, check the box on any row that is currently applicable to your client:

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  1. In that same row, fill-in the correct income amount in the field under the Monthly Amount column: 

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  1. If you selected Yes for Non-Cash Benefits from Any Source above, scroll down and you will see that a sub-assessment has also appeared to record Non-Cash Benefit specifics:
  2. In the Income Type column, check the box on any row that is currently applicable to your client:

  1. For Non-Cash Benefits, the Monthly Amount field is not required, but users can fill it out if desired.
  2. Once you have recorded all the Income and Non-Cash Benefits your client is receiving, you can scroll down and click Save & Close button at the bottom of the page to move on.

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Related Articles & References

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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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