08. Updates & Annual Assessments During Enrollment


This article will provide instructions on how to record an Update while a client is enrolled in your project, including an Annual Assessment.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
  • Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.

More About This

Updates should be completed whenever the data that is captured within on the Universal Data Assessment changes for your client. Federally-funded programs require Annual Assessments for most projects as well.

💥Annual Assessments should be recorded for clients within 30 days (before or after) of the Head of Household's yearly anniversary in your project.

  • NOTE: In ClientTrack, the option to complete an Annual Assessment will be visible, but selecting it will trigger an error message if selected outside of the date range mentioned above.

Capturing your client's information as it changes, through Updates and Annual Assessments in HMIS, could assist them in becoming eligible and connected to increased services and support. Collecting good data, and tracking how that data changes, helps us to tell important stories about the clients and communities we serve. 


To begin, perform a search for your client using Find a Client functionality, or if you know their ClientTrack Client ID number, you can enter it in the Global Search field as well.

  1. On the client's Dashboard, locate the Enrollments section, and find the row for the client's current enrollment in you project:

  1. Hover over the three-dot Action Button to the left of the enrollment in need of an update, and select Update/Annual Assessment from the menu: 

  1. Scroll down to the Household section and verify the family members included on the enrollment.
    1. This is a good time to double-check that the correct Housing Move-In Date is recorded for the Head of Household. Use the horizontal scroll bar to scroll all the way over to the Housing Move-In Date field. Most users will, however, select No Changes on this page. 

  1. Click Save to continue.

  1. On the next screen, select either New During Program Enrollment/Update Assessment, or New Annual Assessment, depending on your client's situation.
    1. Updates are for all situations where a client may have a change in information, including but not limited to: changes in income, non-cash benefits, health insurance, or living situation.
    2. The Annual Assessment workflow has logic that ensures the date selected falls 30 days before or after enrollment anniversary of the Head of Household. 

  1. Follow the guided workflow prompts to complete the update forms as they appear, starting with the Universal Data Assessment.
  2. Click Save & Close on the Universal Data Assessment to progress to the next form, and so on.
  3. Utilize the Default Last... button to pull-in the client’s most recent answers, collected by any user in HMIS. However, you must still ask your client again for the most up-to-date information about their current situation.
    1. For more information about the Default Last... button check out our article titled Client Intake: Guided Workflows.

  1. After completing an Update or Annual Assessment for a Head of Household, if applicable repeat this process for each of the family members attached to the enrollment.
    1. Click on the family member and select the same Update assessment type chosen for the Head of Household. Follow the guided workflow prompts to complete the update forms as they appear. 
  2. As always, the most important part of any guided workflow is hitting the Finish button at the end. Navigating away from any guided workflow before clicking on the Finish button on the final page will cause data quality issues.

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Click Here to watch the interactive video, Updates & Annual Assessments During Enrollment. Once the video launches in a new window, press play to begin!

Helpful Notes for Best Viewing:

  • The video will open in a new tab. When you are done, you can close the video tab and return to the Knowledge Base.
  • To make the video larger or smaller, use the zoom settings on your Browser to adjust the size of the video.
  • Depending on your system settings, the video may take a moment to load in your Browser screen.

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Related Articles & References

Under construction, coming soon!

Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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