06. Common ClientTrack Terminology


This article provides a glossary of common terms and definitions you might encounter when using ClientTrack. These terms should help you navigate and use ClientTrack more effectively.


Workgroups: When Users log into ClientTrack, their Workspaces and the functionalities found in the Workspaces are determined by the assigned Workgroup. Some Users, such as Administrators, may have access to all Workgroups, while many front-end users will have a single Workgroup that they always use and may not even need to understand the larger Workgroups concept. 

Organizations: Agencies (single or multiple) that use the same instance of ClientTrack. Also refers to a fundamental security design component affecting multiple areas of a ClientTrack implementation.

Workspaces & the Workspace Menu Bar: Users can switch between workspaces on the Workspace Menu Bar. In each workspace, the menu options will focus on working with that kind of data. 

Menu Groups & Menu Options: ClientTrack organizes what users see in their Menu Panel in their workspaces. A User’s workgroup and organization access will determine what Groups and Options a user will see in their workspaces. 

Workflow: A Workflow is a series of forms, assessments, and rules which represent a process and are tied together in a sequence. The forms can be of various types from different application areas. 

Intakes/Enrollments: The essential intake/enrollment components include program name, begin date, and end date. Enrollment can be associated with assessments for reporting purposes. 

Forms: Refers to a screen in ClientTrack used to display or collect assessment data. 

Assessments: Snapshots of a client’s situation, including education, financial, health, and employment issues and barriers to client success. Unlike basic client information, such as name, address, and family information, assessments track client data that varies over time. 

HMIS Users: All persons who can log into an HMIS environment are HMIS Users. This includes those who can log into the HMIS for system administration, data entry, resource viewing, or reporting purposes. 

HMIS Administrators: The individuals who work at the organization that manages the HMIS environment at the local or state level, managing project setup and supporting HMIS users. 

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Related Articles & References

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