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02. Searching for a Client


This article will provide detailed instructions on how to use the Find Client function to search for and find existing clients within ClientTrack.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
  • Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.

More About This

The Find Client search function in ClientTrack allows users to search for and view existing client records, according to each user's privacy and organization settings. Correctly searching for existing client records will help to avoid duplicate records in our HMIS system. If known, users can also search for clients by their ClientTrack Client ID.

💥Best Practice: To prevent duplicate records from being created, users should always perform three (3) separate search attempts when attempting to locate a client in HMIS. Each search should include a combination of the three primary identifiers of the client: full name, social security number, or date of birth.

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Follow these steps below to find a client record in ClientTrack:

  1. From the main menu, navigate to the Clients workspace:

  1. Select Find Client within the menu group: 

  1. On the search page, enter the first three letters of the client's first and last name into the corresponding fields. Alternatively, if you know the client's ID you can enter that into the Client ID field.
  2. Click the Search button in the lower right-hand area of the form:

  1. Look for your client in the list of results below. If found, select the client to enter their record:

  1. If no search results are returned, search a second time by entering the last four digits of the client's SSN in the Social Security Number field.
  2. Click the  Search button again:

  1. If the client still does not appear in the list of search results, search a third and final time by entering the client’s date of birth into the Birth Date field, and then click the search button again:

  1. If the client still cannot be located after three different search attempts, you can then proceed to add a new client to the system. (Please see the next article in this category titled: Client Intake: Adding a New Client.)
  2. If your client search does successfully return a result, select the correct record by clicking on client's name from the list that appears below:

  1. Selecting a client from the list of results will bring you to the Client Dashboard.
  2. The Client Dashboard displays information from a client's record such as client demographic details, the client's family members, HMIS ROI status, notifications, enrollments, and services.

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Click Here to watch the interactive video, Searching for a Client in ClientTrack. Once the video launches in a new window, press play to begin!

Helpful Notes for Best Viewing:

  • The video will open in a new tab. When you are done, you can close the video tab and return to the Knowledge Base.
  • To make the video larger or smaller, use the zoom settings on your Browser to adjust the size of the video.
  • Depending on your system settings, the video may take a moment to load in your Browser screen.

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Related Articles & References

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