05. Navigation & Common Buttons in ClientTrack


This article will provide users with a guide to navigating the ClientTrack user interface, and a brief glossary of common errors, icons, and buttons that users will see throughout ClientTrack.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
  • Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.

More About This

The ClientTrack interface is made up of different Workspaces, similar to tabs, that focus on various types of data. Each Workspace will give a user access to distinct Menu Groups and options relevant to the kind of work they need to complete in the system. Understanding Workspaces in ClientTrack and recognizing the common elements employed throughout ClientTrack will help you to confidently use our HMIS system.

Please Note: Each user's available selection of Workspaces and Menu Groups make look different.

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Regardless of where you are working within ClientTrack, you will notice the same common elements and buttons employed globally.

Navigating the ClientTrack Interface

  1. Main Workspace Menu
    • Also referred to as the Workspaces Navigation Bar, it contains the various workspaces users will need to choose as they work in ClientTrack. What workspaces users have access to are determined by their workgroup and organization settings.
    • Hover your cursor over any workspace button to reveal text displaying which workspace the button represents.
  1. Menu Groups
    • Each workspace shows specific menu group of options with folder icons dedicated to the type of data being entered, edited, or otherwise collected.
    • Menu groups marked with a toggle button (>) can be expanded to reveal more sub-menu options and forms.
  1. Global Search Bar
    • The Global Search Bar allows you to search for any information existing within ClientTrack, such as client records, reports, forms, or other data.
  1. Workspace Information
    • You can reference this section for additional details dedicated to the workspace in which you're currently working.
  1. User Profile
    • Select the User Profile Button to view and configure your personal user information and security settings.
  1. Notifications and Calendars
    • The Notifications Button is a bell-shaped icon located on the user dashboard. Selecting this button allows you to view or configure user-level notifications and pop-ups.
      • This functionality differs from the notifications button present within client records, which is dedicated to viewing and configuring client-level notifications and pop-ups.
    • The Calendar Button is a square-shaped icon to the right of the notifications button, located on the user dashboard. Selecting this button allows you to configure user-level schedules.
      • This functionality differs from the calendar button present within client records, which is dedicated to viewing and configuring client-level schedules.

Common Error Alerts

If you attempt to finish an action that has missing required data fields, a flashing yellow error alert at the top of page will highlight a list of the missing data elements.

Within a workflow, red text will appear next to any required data elements, and will also indicate what needs to be corrected before the user can proceed.

Common Icons & Buttons in ClientTrack

Action Button: Within workspaces and workflows, click on this three-dot icon to expand a menu box dedicated to related activity options.

Add Button: This plus-sign icon allows you to add a record of information relevant to the activity you are performing.

Red Asterisk Icon: Required data entry fields are marked with a red asterisk. This indicates data entry fields that must be filled out completely before you can proceed successfully.

Calendar Button: The calendar icon allow you to view and configure either user-level or client-level schedules.

  • To access user-level calendar settings, select the calendar button from the user dashboard located on the top-right of ClientTrack's interface.
  • To access client-level calendar settings, first search for the desired client and then select the calendar button located on the client's dashboard.

Cancel Buttons: These X-shaped icons can appear as different colors. This button lets you exit the current process without saving.

Dock Button: Selecting this pin-shaped button allows a user to dock, or "pin" a current workflow to its corresponding workspace menu. You can easily return to the docked workflow if you ever need to temporarily navigate elsewhere within ClientTrack's interface.

Expand Button: These dashed square-shaped buttons provide users with additional relevant information or details relevant to the section(s) they appear within.

Global Search Bar: Located in the top-left corner of the page, the global Search bar allows you to search for any information existing within ClientTrack, such as client records, reports, forms, and other data.

Home Icon / Skippy Logo

Found at the top of the Workspace menu bar, the Home icon will always brings you back to your Dashboard. The icon representing the home icon is ClientTrack's mascot, named Skippy. 🙂

Notifications: These icons allow you to view and configure either user-level or client-level notifications. A blue highlighted number beside the notification button indicates the presence and quantity of current notifications.

  • To access user-level notification settings, select the notification button from the user dashboard located on the top-right of ClientTrack's interface.
  • To access client-level notification settings, first search for the desired client, and then select the notification button located on the client's dashboard.

Pause Button: When present, the pause button allows you to pause your current guided workflow without losing any progress, so you can return to it where you left off at a later time.

Review/Edit Button: This pencil icon will allow you to view a list of records relevant to the section they appear within, and make edits to existing records as necessary.

Search Icon: The magnifying glass icon indicates fields that will direct you to search forms dedicated to records related to the labeled fields or sections they appear within.

Toggle Buttons: Clicking on these arrow-shaped icons will expand or collapse sections, menus or nested sub-menu options throughout ClientTrack's interface.

User Profile Button: This blue circle icon with your first and last name's initials, located in the top-right of the screen, is where you can view and configure personal user information and security settings.

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Related Articles & References

To learn more about configuring user profile, security settings, and notifications, check out our article: Configuring ClientTrack User Settings and Notifications

Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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