09. Exiting a Client from an Enrollment


This article will outline the steps required to Exit a client from a project enrollment in HMIS.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
  • Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.

More About This

Completing an Exit for a client is a necessary final step when a client leaves your program. If the client is a member of a Household, you will be asked if you would like to Exit the other family members attached to the enrollment as well.

It is best practice to exit a client in HMIS as soon as possible after they leave your program, as the sooner you exit someone, the better the data quality will be!

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To begin, perform a search for your client using Find a Client functionality, or if you know their ClientTrack Client ID number, you can enter it in the Global Search field.

  1. On the client's Dashboard, locate the Enrollments section, and find the row for the client's current enrollment in your project.
  2. Find and hover over the three-dot Action Button to the left of the open enrollment, and select Exit the Enrollment from the menu:

  1. On the next form, verify the Exit Date is correct, select the most accurate Exit Destination for your client, and the Exit Reason. Note that Exit Destination is a required data element:

  1. Follow the guided workflow prompts to complete the update forms as they appear, starting with the Universal Data Assessment. Include any updates for health insurance, disabilities, income and non-cash benefits along the way. 
    1. If there are no updates for any of the sections listed above, either click the Default Last... button on the assessments, or simply click the Save & Close button at the bottom to move on to the next section.  
  2. Click Save & Close on the Universal Data Assessment to progress to the next form, and so on.
  3. Once you have fully navigated through all the forms and assessments, you will see green check-marks to the left of all the steps in the Program Exit guided workflow menu on the left-hand side of the page:

  1. If there are other household members attached to this enrollment who also need an Exit completed, select Yes when asked if you want to Exit that specific family member:

  • Note: If a client is exiting due to death or having physically left the household otherwise, exit only that one family member, and leave the remaining household members as actively enrolled and receiving services.  
  1. Once all household members have a completed Exit assessment, click the large grey Finish button on the last screen to finalize and close out the Exit workflow. Navigating away from any guided workflow before clicking on the Finish button on the final page will cause data quality issues.

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Click Here to watch the interactive video, Exiting a Client from an Enrollment. Once the video launches in a new window, press play to begin!

Helpful Notes for Best Viewing:

  • The video will open in a new tab. When you are done, you can close the video tab and return to the Knowledge Base.
  • To make the video larger or smaller, use the zoom settings on your Browser to adjust the size of the video.
  • Depending on your system settings, the video may take a moment to load in your Browser screen.

Exiting a Client from an Enrollment

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Related Articles & References

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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

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Program Enrollment

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