07. Enrollment: Finishing a Client Intake


This article will provide instructions on how to successfully complete an Intake guided workflow in ClientTrack, specifically how to use the Finish button to finalize and close out your workflow.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
  • Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.

More About This

The most important part of any guided workflow is hitting the Finish button at the end. Navigating away from any guided workflow before clicking on the Finish button on the final page will cause data quality issues!


  1. Once you have fully navigated through all the forms and assessments, you will see green check-marks to the left of all the steps in the Intake guided workflow menu on the left-hand side of the page:

  1. On the final screen, click the large grey Finish button to finalize and close out your workflow. Navigating away from any guided workflow before clicking on the Finish button on the final page will cause data quality issues!

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Related Articles & References

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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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