04. Shelter Bed & Unit Check-Outs


Some larger emergency shelters use a custom workflow in HMIS to track bed check-ins and check-outs for overnight or extended-stay shelter beds. This article explains how to close out a stay in a shelter bed or unit. This article is part of a series on custom shelter workflows.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
  • Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.

More About This

If a client leaves before the facility requires it, or if the facility has no set check-out time, users must check-out the client from their bed or unit. Doing so keeps the roster and client information up-to-date and frees the location for the next client to move into.

    • In ClientTrack, shelter facilities can be configured to apply an automatic check-out after a certain period of time.

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Whenever you are completing data entry for a custom shelter workflow, you should always first confirm that you are working under the correct Workgroup and Organization!

  1. Click on your user icon to open the Settings sidebar, then make the following selections:
    • Workgroup: Emergency Shelter Staff
    • Organization: Your agency’s shelter organization
  1. When finished, click on Apply.​

Bed or Unit Check-Out

  1. Navigate to the Housing workspace, then click on the Current Residents menu option:

  1. In the client list at the bottom of the page, find the client’s name you wish to check-out. (Or, if you have a visual facility display, you can find the and select client’s bed or unit.)

  1. Fill in the Check-Out field with the appropriate date:

  1. Click Save to confirm the check-out:

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Under construction, coming soon!

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Related Articles & References

Under construction, coming soon!

Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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