03. What to Expect When ClientTrack Goes Live

Phased User Set-ups 

Not all users will gain access at once. Some functionality and some historical data will be limited at first. Once ClientTrack is live and ready, we will begin granting trained users access using a phased approach. Keep an eye on your inbox once you have completed training. 

It is necessary for us to phase user access to ClientTrack over the course of a week for a few reasons: 

  • There are 1600 users across the state and granting access is a manual process. 
  • Some projects rely on HMIS as their only data infrastructure. It is most critical for these projects to get back online quickly. 
  • This allows ICA time to provide dedicated support and troubleshooting to these groups while continuing to test and develop core functionality. 

How will users get access to ClientTrack?

ICA will send an email containing login credentials to each user with an active account, along with the list of organizations and workgroups that user will have access to in ClientTrack.

What features will and will not be available at go-live? 

At go-live: 
  • Clients’ basic information and enrollment data from your projects, including active enrollments through July 23rd, 2024, will be migrated.  
  • Client data and projects that were enrolled on or after July 1, 2017 will be migrated. 
  • Your agency’s project information there, but it will look different! 
  • Guided workflows for your projects that show you only the questions you need to answer based on household and project. 
  • A multi-grant enrollment feature that eliminates dual data entry for overlapping funding. 
  • Real-time priority lists and the ability to send and receive housing referrals. 
  • So much more! 
Not quite yet: 
  • Reporting will be limited 
  • Specific prioritization criteria  
  • Services data will not be migrated initially, except for those related to Emergency Shelter stays. We anticipate an additional migration for Services data within the first 3 months.  

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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

Questions? Email the Helpdesk: MNHMIS@icalliances.org

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