01. Preparing for the HMIS Blackout and Transition

How do I record client information and changes in my program during the blackout?

HMIS participating-agencies will need to collect the client information that is normally entered in HMIS using alternative method during the blackout, as you will be responsible for entering this back-data into ClientTrack once you gain access.  

What works best for your agency or project will vary from place to place. Regardless, keep in mind: 

  • Keep this information secure and accessible only to those who need it.
  • Agencies will be responsible for entering data from the blackout timeframe into ClientTrack. 

💥NOTE: Services data will not be migrated at the initial go-live! Your agency should run services reports prior to blackout for your records. If you don’t have the chance to do so, ICA will still be able to run reports from Community Services for the next year upon request. 

What to do now:

  1. Save and print data collection forms: Print or save fillable PDF data collection forms from the Forms & Instructions page on website: HERE. These forms will help you collect the required HMIS data elements you need. 
  2. Run and save a set of reports that shows your roster of active clients before blackout begins. You can use this as a spreadsheet to track changes in your programs during the blackout. 

    You may already have a report in mind, but in case not, here are our recommendations:

I am concerned I will be penalized by a funder for this delay in ability to enter data in HMIS. 

While we are only your HMIS lead and state system administrator, we have been in consistent contact with state, local, and federal program partners. They are aware of our HMIS transition to ClientTrack. 

Typically, in the event data a project’s data is not able to be submitted on time or data performance is result of a vendor or programming issue, the project should contact their funder to request an exception. 

We recommend that you are in contact with your funder or CPD representative directly for guidance and that you save proof of the blackout by saving our communications. 

How can I ensure my agency is prepared to begin using ClientTrack right away? 

First, make sure all current HMIS users complete the mandatory ClientTrack user training on our online learning platform Moodle and submit their training Completion Form in Moodle once they pass the final quiz. Second, support your staff in collecting data throughout the blackout and plan for time to enter back-data promptly once your users gain access to ClientTrack. 

Ongoing learning opportunities 

Keep in mind that training will not be a one-time event. We’ll get you started and into ClientTrack, but you’ll want to return to Moodle and our MN HMIS  Knowledge Base often as we build out more content..

Live ClientTrack demonstrations webinars begin this week, to provide an optional supplement to our online learning in Moodle. To further support learning, ICA will offer weekly Zoom webinars on various data entry topics. This will be especially valuable once HMIS users are entering data into ClientTrack. Please visit the User Training page on our website to view and register for a webinar: HERE.

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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

Questions? Email the Helpdesk: MNHMIS@icalliances.org

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