04. Exiting a Client from Coordinated Entry
If a client's Coordinated Entry referral to a housing provider is resolved in HMIS and resulted in the client being housed and enrolled in that agency's housing project in HMIS, the final step should be to exit the client's enrollment in Coordinated Entry to remove them from your CoC's Priority List.
- More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
- Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
- Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.
More About This
Each CoC will have its own local priorities and criteria for which end users are authorized to fully exit a client from the Coordinated Entry Enrollment and when that can/should happen. If you are not sure if you are empowered to complete an Exit on a CE Enrollment, make sure to reach out to your Priority List Manager directly.
All end users should technically have edit access to complete this step, but not all end users have the local training and context to accurately carry out this step. Refer to your local guidelines!
If you are authorized to complete Exits on CE Enrollments in your community, you may follow these steps:
- Click on your user icon to open the Settings sidebar, then make the following selections:
- Workgroup: Coordinated Entry Assessors, Priority List Managers, or HMIS Users (all will work).
- Organization: Your CoC’s Coordinated Entry organization (NOTE!! This is different from your "regular" organization). Click here to see a list of programs and their owning organizations.
- Example: User in the Northwest CoC will select Northwest CoC Coordinated Entry.
- If you don't have this particular Organization option available to you, it may be a signal that this is an action that you are not authorized to take. If you should be to, please have the Priority List Manager email the Helpdesk to request that we add this organization to your list.
- Location: Leave blank (will auto-populate).
When finished, click on Apply.
- Navigate to the Clients workspace.
- Locate the appropriate Client Record.
Locate the CE enrollment. Click the action button. Select Exit the Enrollment.
- Complete the CE Enrollment Exit questions.
You will be prompted to input the following:
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Related Articles & References
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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:
Questions? Email the Helpdesk: MNHMIS@icalliances.org