Day Shelter Drop-in Center Services


A Day Shelter is project that offers daytime facilities and services for people experiencing homelessness. One such type of project called a Drop-in Center can serve as a hub for individuals experiencing homelessness to access crucial resources in a low-barrier and housing-focused way. This article will provide instructions on how users at Drop-in Centers will record project enrollments and services in ClientTrack HMIS.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
  • Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.

More About This

The step-by-step instructions below detail the Drop-in Center workflow as it stands right now in ClientTrack. Batch Scanning is in the software vendor development team’s hands, and once that is in place, we will update this guide with new instructions.

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NOTE: Day Shelter clients need a matching project enrollment completed before a Drop-in Center Service can be added. If the client is not enrolled in the Drop-in Center project, users will not be able to add a Service.

  1. Click the icon with your initials in the upper-right corner of the page to open the Settings menu.
  2. Select the Workgroup and Organization that are applicable to the type of data entry you will be doing in the system during the current session. Click Apply and exit the Settings menu.
  3. Navigate to the Clients workspace, and select Find Client from the menu group:

  1. On the Find Client form, locate the Scan Card ID field. You can either manually enter a client's Scan Card ID number, or use a bar code scanner or other device to search for a client's HMIS record:

  1. Locate the client's existing record in the search results. If a client is brand new to the system and does not have an existing record in HMIS, you can Add a New Client during the Intake step of a project enrollment process.
  2. In the client's record, from the Clients workspace, select Intake from the menu group to begin a workflow that will guide you to create the project enrollment required for your client's current stay:

  1. Complete the workflow to create a project enrollment for the client into your Drop-in Center day shelter program. Don't forget to click the Finish button at the end to complete the enrollment workflow! (See the how-to guides here: Client Intake and here: Program Enrollment)
  2. Once your client has a project enrollment, you can move on to creating their Drop-in Center service. To do this, expand Enrollment and Services in the menu group, and click on Services:

  1. On the Client Services form, click the button Add New Service:

  1. Complete as much information about the Service provided to the client below, including:
    1. Enrollment: Select the correct matching enrollment for the current HMIS day shelter project
    2. Service: Day Shelter-Homeless Drop in Centers

  1. Once you have completed all required fields, click Save to exit the Service form.

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Related Articles & References

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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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