PATH Referrals


Street Outreach and Services Only Projects receiving PATH funding are required to record referrals made on behalf of a client during project enrollment. This article explains how to create a PATH referral and record a referral outcome.

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More About This

The PATH Annual Report only requires grantees to collect one instance of each type of PATH Referral provided per client; however, PATH providers are encouraged, but not required, to record each instance of PATH-funded Referrals provided to PATH-enrolled clients.

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💥 Please always remember that your client must first have an enrollment into your PATH project before you can record a matching referral for a PATH service!

Creating a PATH Referral

  1. Once you have finished enrolling the client in your organization's PATH project, continue to the next step.
  2. From the Clients workspace, in the menu group, select Referrals under the Enrollments and Services folder:

  1. On the Client Referrals form, click the Add New Referral button:

  1. Complete all required fields on the Referral section:
    1. Referral Service: Select a service that includes “PATH Referral” in the name. Other PATH options may be available, but only those labeled "PATH Referral" should be used for making referrals.

      NOTE: The language used in ClientTrack to describe referral types matches the language used by PATH to describe referral types.

  1. Complete the Referral Recipient section:
    1. Refer to Provider: Search for and select "PATH Referrals Provider"

      If nothing appears, try searching by typing just "PATH" and select the appropriate option when it appears.

  1. Complete the Referral Source section:
    1. Refer from Provider: Should automatically be filled in with your current PATH project.
    2. Status: Select "Referral Made"
    3. Enrollment: Ensure that the referral is linked to the client’s matching PATH enrollment for accurate tracking. This is an important step even though the field is not marked as required.

  1. Click the Next button at the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Skip the Voucher and Information Release page by clicking Next.
  3. Skip the Referral Outcome pages by clicking Finish.

Recording a PATH Referral Outcome

Each PATH Referral should have an Outcome of Attained, Not Attained, or Unknown entered by the date of the client's Project Exit from their PATH project enrollment at your agency. It is good practice to record the outcome as soon as it is known, or before the end of a reporting period.   

NOTE: The language used in ClientTrack to describe Outcome types is not the same as the language used by PATH to describe Outcome types. Refer to the PATH Referrals Crosswalk table below on how to complete the Referral Outcome.

  1. Before you can Exit the client from a PATH project enrollment, you must first record an Outcome on any open Referral to PATH service.
  2. From the client record, in the menu group under Enrollment and Services, select the Referrals option:

3. Locate the correct PATH Referral service, hover over its three-dot action button, and select Referral Outcome in the drop-down list:

  1. On the Referral Outcome form, complete all fields, including the referral Result:

    ***See the Referral Outcome Crosswalk table below for guidance on what each option means!

  1. Click the Finish button at the bottom of the page when complete.

PATH Referral Outcome Crosswalk

ClientTrack Term Type of PATH Outcome Description
Service Provided Attained The client was connected to and received the service (if the referral is for housing, it is not Attained until the housing placement starts).
Information Only Unknown The client’s connection status or receipt of service is unknown to the provider entering the data.
Rejected Not Attained The client was referred to but may not have ever been connected with the service or did not receive the service.
No Show Not Attained The client was referred to but may not have ever been connected with the service or did not receive the service.

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