Correcting Health Insurance Errors


Health Insurance errors usually occur when there is a discrepancy between the data element indicating whether the client has insurance and the data elements regarding the type of insurance. These can be fixed by verifying the client's health insurance.

This article will provide detailed instructions on how to correct Health Insurance Errors that have been identified by data quality reports. To use this article a user needs to know the specific client record where the error occurs.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
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More About This

Health Insurance data is collected to determine whether households are accessing all insurance sources for which they are eligible at the time of project start, and or analyzing changes in insurance between project start, annual assessment, and exit.

The data in the Health Insurance fields should be logically consistent. If there is a YES response to Income from any source, then at least one source of income must be identified.

Screenshot showing a Universal Data Assessment where the Covered by Health Insurance prompt is answered YES and none of the rows for insurance type have a YES response.


To fix Health Insurance errors follow these steps:

Step 1

Search for your client using the Find a Client function, or, if you know the client’s ClientTrack Client ID number, you can enter it in the Global Search field.

Step 2

On the Client's Dashboard, locate the Enrollments and Services section, select Enrollments, and find the row for the client's current enrollment in your project.

Step 3

Click the Action Button (three dots) to the left of the enrollment. Select Associated Assessments from the menu.

Step 4

The next page will display the Entry Assessment and any other assessments (Updates Assessments, Annual Assessments, Exit Assessments) associated with the enrollment. A report identifying the error will likely identify when the error occurred. Click the Action Button (three dots) to the left of the assessment. Select Review Details Assessments from the menu.

Make sure to choose the assessment that is identified as the error. The image above shows a review of the Entry assessment. The image below shows a review of the Exit assessment.

Step 5

The next page, Assessment Status, will display a list of the assessments. Click on the HMIS Universal Data assessment.

Step 6

Scroll down the Universal Data Assessment until you see the Health Insurance Section. Check the Covered by Health Insurance field first.

If the response is YES, then at least one row below should have a YES in the Status column.

If the response is NO, then none of the rows in the Status column should have a YES response. If the responses do not align, then the data should be changed to make them align.

Step 7

When the data has been corrected, click the Save and Close button.

Step 8

The Assessment Status, page will appear. Click Close.

Step 9

The Assessment Links, page will appear. Click Cancel.

Step 10

This should return you to the Enrollments page.


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