PLMs: Adding Coordinated Entry Assessors as Contacts


This article will provide detailed instructions for Priority List Managers regarding how to access the Coordinated Entry Assessor Contact list, how to Activate or Inactivate a CE Assessor Contact, how to Update CE Assessor Contact Information, and how to Add a New CE Assessor

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
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More About This

Priority List Managers maintain the list of Coordinated Entry Contacts that appear on the MN Triage Assessment when a Coordinated Entry Assessor completes an assessment.

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You will find detailed instructions for the following tasks below:

Accessing the Coordinated Entry Assessor Contact List

Activate or Inactivate a CE Assessor Contact

Update CE Assessor Contact Information

Adding a New CE Assessor

Accessing the Coordinated Entry Assessor Contact List

  1. In ClientTrack, select the following: 
    1. Workgroup: Priority List Managers 
    2. Organization: Your Coordinated Entry Organization 
  2. Go to the Providers Workspace and open the Find Provider form:

  3. Select your Coordinated Entry Provider
  4. Open the Contacts Form:

Activate or Inactivate a CE Assessor Contact

  1. Open the Contacts Form (as seen in previous steps)
  2. Locate the Contact you want to update from the list, and select the edit pencil to Edit Contact.

  3. Update the Active Status accordingly. For a CE Assessor to appear under the Assessor Lookup on the MN Triage Assessment Form, the Contact must be Active.

  4. Click on Save. 

Update CE Assessor Contact Information

  1. Open the Contacts Form (as seen in previous steps)
  2. Locate the Contact you want to update from the list, and select the edit pencil to Edit Contact. 

  3. Update the information. 
  4. Click on Save

Adding a New CE Assessor

  1. Open the Contacts Form (as seen in previous steps)
  2. Click on “Add New Contact.” 

  3. Add all contact information, ensuring you complete the following fields accordingly: 
    1. Active Status = Active 
    2. Contact Type = CE Assessor 
  4. Click on Save

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Under construction, coming soon!

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Related Articles & References

Assessing a Client for Coordinated Entry

Updating an Existing Coordinated Entry Assessment

Exiting a Client from Coordinated Entry

Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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