Income Errors

Missing Income from Any Source

  1. Enter EDA mode to the correct project provider and go to the client’s record. (Note: You do not need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)
  2. In the Entry/Exit tab, click on the edit pencil to the left of the Project Start Date to open the entry assessment.
  3. Click on Save & Continue in the first pop-up. 
  4. Respond to the missing data element.
  5. Click on Save & Exit.

Missing Monthly Income (in the sub-assessment)

  1. Enter  EDA mode to the correct provider and go to the client’s record. (Note: You do not need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)
  2. In the  Entry/Exit tab, click on the edit pencil to the left of the Project Start Date to open the entry assessment. Click on Save & Continue in the first pop-up.
  3. If your sub-assessment is empty (no rows in table) OR  HUD Verification has a red triangle (incomplete), click on HUD Verification and complete the sub-assessment. 
  4. Watch demonstrations on how to complete sub-assessments (start at 3 minutes 30 seconds); the first demonstration will cover how to complete the Disabilities sub-assessment, while the second demonstration features the Monthly Income sub-assessment.

Correcting Conflicting Income Data

If you have confirmed that the  Income from Any Source question has been answered and there is information in the Monthly Income (HUD) sub-assessment but your report is still showing an error, you may have conflicting data. For example, the Income from any source? data element is answered “Yes,” but no income is listed with “Yes” to Receiving Income Source? in the income sub-assessment (or vice versa). You’ll need to ask yourself “Do I need to update a response? Delete a response? Both?” If the data was entered incorrectly, you can follow the instructions below to delete the incorrect data.

If the Monthly Income sub-assessment is incorrect

When a client’s income changes, you must update the sub-assessment accordingly. The most common error we see users make is updating the question  Receiving Income Source? within the sub-assessment recordset instead of just adding an End Date to the income source that changed. We know this can be confusing, so let’s look at an example:

Let’s assume a client had  Earned Income of $500 a month but is no longer receiving that income. You would add an End Date in the Earned Income sub-assessment entry, but you should not change the "Yes" answer for Receiving Income Source? to "No," as that tells the system that the client did not receive Earned Income from the reported Start Date to End Date. 

If you accidentally changed a  Receiving Income Source? answer, you would want to delete the incorrect response by clicking on the History Bar (1) and selecting the trash icon (2)! 

The History Bar (1) can be used to view previously-entered assessment answers. Clicking on the trash can (2) next to an answer will delete that answer.

Here’s a quick 4-minute demo that provides tips and tricks. The video walks through how to resolve this issue from within the Entry Assessment, but the same steps should be taken for an Annual Assessment (any interim review) or the Exit Assessment.

  1. Enter  EDA mode to the correct project provider and go to the client’s record. (Note: You do not need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)
  2. Navigate to the  Entry/Exit tab. Find the entry that you'll be editing and click on the edit pencil to the left of the Project Start Date.
  3. Click on  Save & Continue in the Project Start Data pop-up.
  4. From the  Monthly Income sub-assessment table, click on the edit pencil to the left of the line item you want to edit. (Note: You may need to click on Next and Previous buttons to navigate to that record). Do not click on the magnifying glass or HUD Verification; you will not be able to delete info when a sub-assessment record is opened using the magnifying glass or HUD Verification.
  5. In the pop-up, click on the  History Bar (a vertical box filled with the color brown, green, or red) to the left of the Receiving Income Source response.
  6. Click on the  trash can to the left of the response you want to delete.
    1. If you do not see a trash can, you may need to be in EDA mode to the provider that created/added the data.
    2. If none of your providers added this response, you will not be able to delete it! Make a note of the client record and sub-assessment info and contact the Helpdesk.

If the Income from Any Source (Yes/No data element) answer is incorrect

If the  Monthly Income (HUD) sub-assessment is correct but the Income from Any Source answer is incorrect, follow these steps to delete an incorrect response to the Income from Any Source question.

  1.  Enter  EDA mode to the correct project provider and go to the client’s record. (Note: You do not need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)
  2. Navigate to the  Entry/Exit tab. Find the entry that you'll be editing and click on the edit pencil to the left of the Project Start Date.
  3. Click on  Save & Continue in the Project Start Data pop-up.
  4. In the Entry/Exit Data pop-up, scroll down to the Income Information section. 
  5. Click on the  History Bar (a vertical box filled with the color brown, green, or red) to the left of the Income from Any Source response.
  6. Click on the  trash can to the left of the response you want to delete.
    1. If you do not see a trash can, you may need to be in EDA mode to the provider that created the data.
    2.  If none of your providers added this response, you will not be able to delete it! Make a note of the client record and sub-assessment info and contact the Helpdesk.
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