03. Configuring User Settings


This article provides an overview of ClientTrack's menu of user settings, including how to access user account information, security settings, themes, and where to Sign Out of the system.

  • More About This — Further important information is found in this section.
  • Details — Specific details and/or step-by-step workflows will be described in this section.
  • Video — Any relevant videos will be posted in this section.

More About This

Configuring the correct user information and account settings in ClientTrack is critical to accurate data entry and data security.  


By accessing the Settings menu, users can easily view or modify information associated with their ClientTrack account, including:

    • Profile and profile photo
    • Account settings and workgroups
    • Themes
    • Security settings
    • User-level notifications
  1. To access your Settings menu in ClientTrack, click on the User Profile icon with your initials, located in the top-right corner of the page:

  2. The User Profile section is located at the top of the Settings menu:

  1. The following options are available here:
  • User Profile Photo
    • Users can opt to change their user profile photo. To do so, first click the account photo icon. Next, users will be directed to a form where they can upload their preferred image.
  • User Profile Information
    • This section is where users can view their name, email address, role(s) and organization(s) associated with their ClientTrack account.
  • Sign Out Button
    • Use this button to log-out of ClientTrack. Closing any browser window with an active session will also automatically log users out of ClientTrack.
  1. Account Settings are located below the Profile section in the Settings menu:

  • Workgroup
    • Workgroups control what HMIS features are available to users within ClientTrack, such as workspaces, menu options, forms, and reports. If users have access to more than one workgroup, they can change their workgroup through the drop-down menu located here
  • Organization
    • Almost all users will only have access to one organization. However, if a user requires access to more than one organization, users can change which organizations they are working within through the drop-down menu located here

Most users will have only one Workgroup option available, while others will have multiple. Similarly, if you have multiple Organization options available to you, always remember to select the correct Workgroup and Organization as soon as you log-in and before you do any data entry in ClientTrack!

  1. Always click Apply to save any Account Settings changes you make here!

  1. Theme settings can be located below Account Settings in the Settings menu:

  • Users can personalize their ClientTrack interface's appearance by selecting their preferred visual theme: Default, High Contrast, or Dark
  1. Security settings can be accessed below Themes in the Settings menu:

  • The Security Settings selection allows users to change their password, update their account recovery information, or enable 2-Step Verification. You can read more about this in our article titled: Logging-In & Setting you Security Question.

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Related Articles & References

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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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