04. Resolving a Housing Referral from Coordinated Entry


Priority List Managers create a Coordinated Entry Event (CE Event) when referring a client to a housing opportunity. The housing program is then responsible for resolving that referral, documenting that it was successful and led to program enrollment, or that it was unsuccessful.

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More About This

In ClientTrack, housing referral CE Events are resolved in the Clients workspace, via the dedicated CE Event form. When resolving a successful referral, a housing program enrollment should be created before the CE Event is updated.

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  1. Click on your user icon to open the Settings sidebar, then make the following selections:
    1. Workgroup: Any workgroup
    2. Organization: Your housing program’s organization. Click here to see a list of programs and their owning organizations

      When finished, click on Apply.

  2. Navigate to the Clients workspace and open the record of the client that was referred to your housing program.

The next resolution steps depend on the outcome of the referral:

  • Successful Referral: The client has been enrolled in your housing program. Please note: This is not the same thing as a client moving into housing. Housing move-in may happen any time from enrollment start onwards.
  • Unsuccessful Referral: The client has not been enrolled in your housing program and will not be.

Successful Referral: Client Enrolled in Housing Program

  1. Click on Intake and step through the guided workflow to complete a housing program enrollment for the client.
  2. Expand the Enrollment and Services menu and select CE Event.
  3. Find the event created when the client was referred to your housing program and click on the edit icon.
  4. Complete the following CE Event fields:
    1. Referral Result: Successful referral: client accepted
    2. Result Date: The date the client was enrolled in your housing program
    3. Resulting Enrollment: The enrollment you created for your housing program

      Click on Save when you are finished.

Unsuccessful Referral: Client Not Enrolled in Housing Program

  1. Expand the Enrollment and Services menu and select CE Event.
  2. Find the event created when the client was referred to your housing program and click on the edit icon.
  3. Complete the following CE Event fields:
    1. Referral Result: Select the option that best reflects the outcome of the referral
      1. Unsuccessful referral: client rejected
      2. Unsuccessful referral: provider rejected
    2. Result Date: The date it was determined that the referral was unsuccessful

Click on Save when you are finished.

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Related Articles & References

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Core HMIS Workflow How-to Guides:

HMIS Fundamentals

ClientTrack Basics

Client Intake

Program Enrollment

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