Coordinated Entry Reports Overview


This article offers an overview of the reports that can be used to view the Coordinated Entry (CE) data saved in HMIS. Before moving on to read about specific reports, take a moment to review this general information:

  • Except for the Coordinated Entry APR, which is found on the Community Services Report Dashboard, all reports discussed in this article can be found in the BusinessObjects Coordinated Entry folder or its Monitoring and Evaluation sub-folder.
  • To see their recently completed data entry reflected in BusinessObjects reports, users must wait until the next warehouse build is finished.
  • It can be difficult to compare the results of two Coordinated Entry reports when they display data for different time periods:
    • Point-In-Time: Reports that have only an Effective Date prompt, like the 254 Priority List report, display the most recent client, assessment, and referral details.
    • Date Range: Reports that have Start Date, End Date, and Effective Date prompts, like the 266 CE Monitoring report, display information that was accurate during the specified date range.
  • Have an idea for how a Coordinated Entry report can be improved? Complete ICA's Custom Data Request form to share your suggestion with our Reporting and Evaluation Team!

In This Article

Click on the name of a report below to see its purpose and intended audience, recommended prompt selections, and additional important details.

 222 CE Assessor Agency Check Report

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The  MIN-00-CES-222 - CE Assessor Agency Check report can be used to check assessment data quality and see who has been added to the Priority List by a specific agency or assessor.

Audience: Who should run this report?

Assessors and Priority List Managers

Prompts: How do I run this report?

Follow the guidance below when deciding which prompt values to select:

  • Select Assessment Provider(s): Select one or more CE Assessment providers. Only clients with an Entry/Exit for those providers will appear in the report.
  • Select CoC Code: Select your region's CoC Code to see community-wide data. Please note that selecting a CoC Code will override CE Assessment provider selections.
  • Enter Effective Date: Enter the current date and time.

In-Depth: Five Questions This Report Can Answer

  1. "Clients on PL" tab: Is client x on the Priority List?
  2. "Clients on PL" tab: Is client x missing answers to select assessment questions?
  3. "Clients on PL" tab: Who most recently assessed client x?
  4. "Interim Check" tab: How long has it been since client x’s last interim update?
  5. "Clients Excluded from PL" tab: Who is excluded from the Priority List because of a data entry error?

In-Depth: Special Notes

  • This report does not indicate whether a client on the Priority List has a pending housing referral. Run the 248 Client Coordinated Entry Status report to see that detail.
  • Because agencies in Hennepin County do not have their own CE Assessment providers, it is not possible to run this report for a specific agency in that CoC.
  • Looking specifically for client contact information? Run the 268 CE Contact List report instead!

 248 Client Coordinated Entry Status Report

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The  MIN-00-CES-248 - Client Coordinated Entry Status report can be used to see whether a client who received homeless services was participating in Coordinated Entry or had a housing referral within the specified date range.

Audience: Who should run this report?

Any HMIS user who needs to check a client's Coordinated Entry status

Prompts: How do I run this report?

Follow the guidance below when deciding which prompt values to select:

  • Select Provider(s): Select one or more data entry providers.
  • Select Reporting Groups: Select one or more reporting groups.
  • Enter Start Date: Enter the first day of the reporting period. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.
  • Enter End Date (PLUS 1 Day): Enter the last day of the reporting period, plus 1 day. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.
  • Enter Effective Date: Enter the same value entered into the End Date prompt.

In-Depth: Five Questions This Report Can Answer

  1. "Summary" tab: Of the clients served, how many participated in CE and how many had referrals?
  2. "Active in CE Detail" tab: Did client x participate in Coordinated Entry?
  3. "Active in CE Detail" tab: Is client x currently participating in Coordinated Entry?
  4. "Housing Referral Detail" tab: Does client x have an unresolved housing referral?
  5. "Housing Referral Detail" tab: Which program was client x referred to?

 254 Priority List Report

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The  MIN-00-CES-254 - Priority List report can be used to see who is being prioritized for housing - also referred to as being "on the Priority List" - and to view the referral status of any client with an open entry for a Coordinated Entry Assessment provider.

Audience: Who should run this report?

Priority List Managers

Prompts: How do I run this report?

Follow the guidance below when deciding which prompt values to select:

  • Select CoC Code: Select your region's CoC Code.
  • Enter Effective Date: Enter the current date and time.
  • (HCC ONLY) Select Assessment Provider: Select Hennepin County CE Assessment provider 4314 (Singles) or 4315 (Families).
  • (SLC ONLY) Which Priority List: Choose which St. Louis County Priority Lists to view. The option "Both North and South" should always be chosen.
  • (WCC, CNC, SLC, SEC, NEC) Run By-Name: Select "Yes" to include client names in the report. The default value is "No".

In-Depth: Five Questions This Report Can Answer

  1. "All Clients" tab: Is client x on the Priority List?
  2. "Pending Referrals" tab: Has housing provider y acknowledged referral z?
  3. "Acknowledged Referrals" tab: Has housing provider y resolved referral z?
  4. "Resolved Referrals" tab: Has client x enrolled in a housing program?
  5. "Resolved Referrals" tab: Has client x moved into housing?

 258 CE Housing Referrals Report

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The  MIN-00-CES-258 - CE Housing Referrals report can be used to view a list of clients with pending, acknowledged, or resolved referrals for the specified housing programs.

Audience: Who should run this report?

Housing providers

Prompts: How do I run this report?

Follow the guidance below when deciding which prompt values to select:

  • Select Provider(s): Select one or more data entry providers. Only providers who are included in the Operational Providers Picklist can be selected.
  • Enter Effective Date: Enter the current date and time.

In-Depth: Five Questions This Report Can Answer

  1. "Summary" tab: What is the current status of my programs’ referrals?
  2. "Pending Referrals" tab: Do I need to acknowledge any referrals?
  3. "Acknowledged Referrals" tab: Do I need to resolve any referrals?
  4. "Resolved Referrals" tab: Do I need to explain why any referrals were unsuccessful?
  5. "Resolved Referrals" tab: Are there any clients who I know have moved into housing and need to be removed from the Priority List?

In-Depth: Special Notes

Looking for a report you can use to check your providers' data quality? Run the 294 CE Housing Provider Data Check report!

 266 CE Monitoring Report

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The  MIN-00-CES-266 - CE Monitoring report can be used to view details about a Coordinated Entry system's operations, which in turn can be used to evaluate the system's performance.

Audience: Who should run this report?

CoC Coordinators, Priority List Managers, and others in a Coordinated Entry leadership role

Prompts: How do I run this report?

Follow the guidance below when deciding which prompt values to select:

  • Select CoC Code: Select your region's CoC Code.
  • County of Primary (Current) Residence: Select one or more counties to see only clients who reside in those counties.
  • (SLC ONLY) Which Priority List: Choose which St. Louis County Priority Lists' data should be included. The option "Both North and South" should always be chosen.
  • Enter Start Date: Enter the first day of the reporting period. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.
  • Enter End Date (PLUS 1 Day): Enter the last day of the reporting period, plus 1 day. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.
  • Enter Effective Date: Enter the same value entered into the End Date prompt.

In-Depth: Five Questions This Report Can Answer

  1. "Diversion Outcomes Summary" tab: How many clients obtained stable housing following a diversion intervention?
  2. "Navigation Summary" tab: How many clients were engaged with housing navigation services?
  3. "PL - All Summary" tab: What are the demographics of clients that were on the Priority List?
  4. "Referral Summary" tab: How many referrals were unsuccessful, and for what reasons were they unsuccessful?
  5. "Exits Summary" tab: How many clients exited the Priority List and entered a Transitional or Permanent Housing program?

In-Depth: Special Notes

  • Owing to the 2020 HUD data standards changes, March 23rd, 2020 is the earliest start date that can be used with this report. To view referral history prior to that date, run the 211 CES Monitoring report.
  • Only CoCs that utilize HMIS to track diversion and housing navigation services will have data displayed on those programs' associated report tabs.
  • The two "ICA ONLY" report prompts enable the 266 CE Monitoring report to be run for statewide and provider-level datasets. Contact the Helpdesk at if you are interested in utilizing those prompts.
  • Not finding what you need on a summary tab? Check out the raw data included on the detail tabs!

 267 CE Housing Provider Audit Report

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The  MIN-00-CES-267 - CE Housing Provider Audit report can be used to view the referral history of the specified housing programs.

Audience: Who should run this report?

Housing providers, CoC Coordinators, Priority List Managers, and others in a Coordinated Entry leadership role

Prompts: How do I run this report?

Follow the guidance below when deciding which prompt values to select:

  • Select Provider(s): Select one or more data entry providers. Only providers who are included in the Operational Providers Picklist can be selected.
  • Select CoC Code: Select your region's CoC Code. Housing providers should not run this report by CoC Code.
  • Enter Start Date: Enter the first day of the reporting period. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.
  • Enter End Date (PLUS 1 Day): Enter the last day of the reporting period, plus 1 day. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.
  • Enter Effective Date: Enter the same value entered into the End Date prompt.

In-Depth: Five Questions This Report Can Answer

  1. "Summary A" tab: What percentage of referrals were successful?
  2. "Summary A" tab: What percentage of referrals were unresolved?
  3. "Summary B" tab: For what reasons were referrals successful? (Provider comparison)
  4. "Summary C" tab: For what reasons were referrals unsuccessful? (By provider)
  5. "Detail" tab: What is the status of client x’s housing referral?

In-Depth: Special Notes

Owing to the 2020 HUD data standards changes, March 23rd, 2020 is the earliest start date that can be used with this report. To view referral history prior to that date, run the 241 CES Housing Provider Audit report.

 294 CE Housing Provider Data Check Report

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The  MIN-00-CES-294 - CE Housing Provider Data Check report can be used to review housing referrals and their associated program enrollments, flagging clearly identified data entry issues as errors and possible issues as warnings.

Audience: Who should run this report?

Housing providers, CoC Coordinators, Priority List Managers, and others in a Coordinated Entry leadership role

Prompts: How do I run this report?

Follow the guidance below when deciding which prompt values to select:

  • Select Provider(s): Select one or more data entry providers. Only providers who are included in the Operational Providers Picklist can be selected.
  • Enter Start Date: Enter the first day of the reporting period. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.
  • Enter End Date (PLUS 1 Day): Enter the last day of the reporting period, plus 1 day. It is recommended that the time be set to 12:00:00 AM.
  • Enter Effective Date: Enter the same value entered into the End Date prompt.
  • Display Raw Data Tab: Select "Yes" to reveal a tab that includes client-level referral and program enrollment details. The default value is "No".

In-Depth: Five Questions This Report Can Answer

  1. "Summary" tab: How many total errors and warnings need to be resolved?
  2. "Detail" tab: Are there referral details that should be added to HMIS?
  3. "Detail" tab: Are there clients who are missing program enrollments (represented by Entry/Exits) in HMIS?
  4. "Detail" tab: Are there clients that should be removed from the Priority List?
  5. "Detail - Raw Data" tab: What are the actual referral and program enrollment values?

In-Depth: Special Notes

  • Depending on what data is found in HMIS, the "Detail" tab will display one of three messages in each spreadsheet cell; what steps you need to take will depend on the type of message displayed:
    • OK: No problems were found, or a warning or error makes it impossible to determine if there is a problem. Resolve any identified warnings and errors, then re-run the report to check whether any "OK" values were replaced by new warning or error flags.
    • Warning: There may be a data entry issue to correct. Review the flagged data element and make corrections if necessary.
    • Error: There is a clearly identified data entry issue that needs to be corrected. Review the flagged data element and resolve the error by making any necessary corrections.
  • For those in a Coordinated Entry leadership role that would like to see system-wide data, the 290 Operational Providers Translation report can be used to generate a list of all housing providers in a CoC. That list can then be pasted into this report's Select Provider(s) prompt.

 Coordinated Entry APR

Purpose: What is this report used for?

The Coordinated Entry Annual Performance Report (APR) counts the number of participating clients and Coordinated Entry activities that took place during the specified date range, and must be submitted yearly by HUD SSO: CE grantees.

Audience: Who should run this report?

HUD SSO: CE grantees, CoC Coordinators, Priority List Managers, and others in a Coordinated Entry leadership role

Prompts: How do I run this report?

Follow the guidance below when deciding which prompt values to select:

  • CoC Code: Choose your region's CoC Code.
  • Scope: Choose "System-wide". This is an important step! The CE APR is intended to be run for an entire CoC region.
  • Program Date Range: Enter the desired date range. For HUD SSO: CE grantees submitting a report to Sage, enter the date range covered by the grant.
  • Entry/Exit Types: Check all boxes. This will ensure that the maximum number of clients are counted in the report

In-Depth: Five Questions This Report Can Answer

  1. Table Q4a: Which providers' data is being reported to HUD?
  2. Table Q6a: Which client records are missing personally identifiable information, like names and Social Security Numbers?
  3. Table Q9a: How many people were assessed over the phone, virtually, or in-person?
  4. Table Q9c: How many clients were successfully diverted from experiencing homelessness?
  5. Table Q9d: What percentage of clients placed on the Priority List received a referral?

In-Depth: Special Notes

Because the Coordinated Entry APR is maintained by WellSky, the HMIS software vendor, ICA is limited in what insight it can offer about how the report functions. ICA is similarly constrained when it comes to questions about the Sage HMIS Reporting Repository to which HUD SSO: CE grantees submit their reports.

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