Can I enter anonymous clients into HMIS?

No Anonymous Records!

Anonymous client records should not ever be created in Minnesota's HMIS. Using an anonymous record can have negative reporting implications, particularly for HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) and HUD Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) projects. 

If a client does not want to consent to their record being shared statewide in HMIS, you will still create and enter data in the client’s record in the system with identifiable information, including their name and SSN. The MN HMIS ROI is only asking clients to consent to having their HMIS data  shared statewide. Imagine it as a record in a filing cabinet in your office that will then only be visible to HMIS users at your agency. In this case the client’s record will simply need to be manually “closed” to the statewide data sharing visibility group in HMIS. When a client’s record is closed their information will only be accessible to users at your project and agency. You should never create anonymous records in HMIS.

Please reach out to the Helpdesk at for assistance if you learn that an anonymous client has been enrolled in one of your projects.

Closed Client Records

According to HUD, a client that does not consent to share their data on the HMIS Release of Information can still be added to the system with their identifiable information. However, consent is required before a client's information can be shared between service providers, so a client who withholds their consent to share data should have a "closed" (unshared) record created for them. 

Please see the article How do I create a client record that is closed to data sharing? for instructions!

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